Welcome to the InplayZ online platform operated and developed by "ZB Digital Co., Ltd." (hereinafter referred to as "Company"): https://inplayz.com and the InplayZ APP (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the InplayZ platform"), where you can access various member services provided by the InplayZ platform.

  1. To ensure your benefits, it is recommended that you carefully read the InplayZ Service Terms (hereinafter referred to as "these Service Terms"), Privacy Policy, and all current and future regulations published by the InplayZ Platform before starting to use the InplayZ Platform (hereinafter referred to as "this Service"). If you have any questions, please contact the InplayZ Platform customer service team promptly.
  2. When you start using this Service, it means you agree to and are willing to strictly comply with the laws of the Republic of China, all relevant regulations, and these Service Terms. If you disagree with any or all of the content of these Service Terms or cannot comply with them, please stop using this Service immediately.
  3. If you are a minor, it is not recommended that you continue using this Service.

Your Registration Obligations

  1. Please enter your real, correct, and complete email account information according to the instructions of the registration procedure. If your personal information changes, please notify the Company immediately to update it to ensure your information remains accurate and complete. If you provide false information or impersonate someone else, resulting in infringement or illegal behavior, you will bear the corresponding legal responsibility.
  2. If the personal information you provide is untrue, or if you fail to update your personal information after changes, resulting in inconsistencies with the original registration information, this Service reserves the right to terminate your membership and the services provided at any time.
  3. Please do not use someone else's name, alias, or any nickname that violates social morals or may infringe on others' rights. The site reserves the right to freeze accounts or terminate membership if inappropriate use is found.

Member Services

  1. Once you complete the registration process and this Service sets up your account, you will gain membership to this Service and can start using it.
  2. As a member of this Service, you can use various member services, but the ownership of these services remains with this Service and its contractual parties. According to these Service Terms, membership is limited to personal use, and you may not rent, lend, share, transfer, or assign it to any other third party.
  3. This Service has the right to add, modify, or cancel part or all of the systems or functions at any time without prior notice to members. Additionally, all existing and future services comply with these Service Terms.

Privacy Policy of the "Service"

Your registration information and other related information are protected by the "Privacy Protection Policy." To protect your rights, please be sure to understand this policy in detail.

Management of Member Account and Password

  1. After registration, you will obtain an account and password. Please strictly protect the confidentiality and security of this information and avoid disclosing it to any third party. You will be responsible for all activities conducted using this account and password, and these activities will be regarded as your personal actions.
  2. The account and password are for your personal use only, and you may not rent, share, lend, transfer, or assign them to others.
  3. After completing the registration, you will obtain an account and password. Please strictly protect this information to ensure it is not obtained by any third party. You will be fully responsible for any activities conducted using this account and password, and these activities will be regarded as your actions.

Protection of Children and Adolescents

Some content of this Service is not suitable for children and adolescents. To protect them from inappropriate information, parents or guardians must fulfill the following obligations:
  1. Prohibit children or adolescents from using or subscribing to the content of this Service.

Obligations of Members

  1. Platform users must be responsible for the content they publish or transmit publicly or privately on the InplayZ Platform, including text, data, images, audio, video, etc. If this content causes loss or damage to the Company or third parties, the relevant users must bear the compensation responsibility. The Company does not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, completeness, or quality of the content, and the risk caused by erroneous or inappropriate data is borne by the provider. The Company has the right to terminate the dissemination of such content based on specific circumstances and take measures such as suspending the user's service functions, retaining relevant records and data, and taking legal action if necessary.
  2. Platform users are prohibited from transmitting, publishing, or spreading any form of computer virus, worm, Trojan horse, or other malicious software, and from engaging in any actions that may invade or overload the InplayZ Platform system, or interfere with, disrupt, or destroy the normal operation and security of the InplayZ Platform. Users are also prohibited from modifying, copying, renting, lending, selling, reselling, or using any part of the InplayZ Platform for commercial or non-commercial purposes without authorization.
  3. Platform users are prohibited from using this Service for harassment, insult, stalking, threat, or defamation of others, and from engaging in any activities that infringe others' rights or are illegal. If users engage in such behaviors or encounter any form of harassment, threat, defamation, offense, infringement, or illegal content through the use of this Service, the Company will not be liable.
  4. In addition to complying with the provisions of these Service Terms, you agree to comply with the business regulations of this Service and the relevant provisions of the international internet usage conventions and etiquette, and agree not to engage in the following behaviors:
    1. Providing false or untrue information for registration.
    2. Unauthorized copying, resale, sharing, or reproduction of this Service or others' information.
    3. Posting information unrelated to the topic in chat rooms or live score chat rooms.
    4. Harassing or inappropriate behavior towards the Company's customer service or other departments.
    5. Deliberately damaging this Service, others' mailboxes, or communication equipment.
    6. Interfering with or disrupting network services or spreading computer viruses.
    7. Publishing statements that violate public order and good customs.
    8. Accessing unauthorized resources.
    9. Infringing on this Service or others' intellectual property rights or other rights.
    10. Unauthorized use of others' credit cards or financial accounts.
    11. Publishing or transmitting defamatory, insulting, threatening, offensive, obscene, or other illegal content.
    12. Publishing false advertisements or misleading information.
    13. Conducting commercial promotion or advertising activities without the site's consent.
    14. Any behavior inconsistent with the stated purpose of this Service or deemed inappropriate by this Service.
  5. Members who violate the above regulations may face service restrictions or termination of use rights and bear corresponding legal responsibilities. These regulations do not imply that this Service will conduct any form of review of members' content; members must bear full responsibility for their actions. If this Service discovers or receives complaints about members violating the regulations, it has the right to delete the relevant content and terminate or suspend the member's service, including VIP qualifications and revenue sharing. If it causes damage to this Service, it has the right to claim compensation from the member, including litigation and attorney fees. If this results in the termination or restriction of your use of this Service, the Company will not be liable to you or any third party.

Suspension or Interruption of Service

  1. This Service may suspend or interrupt part or all of the service without liability to users under the following circumstances:
    1. When performing migration, replacement, or maintenance work on related systems or equipment.
    2. When there are sudden failures of electronic communication equipment, natural disasters, or other force majeure factors, or other reasons not attributable to this site, making it impossible for this site to provide services.
    3. Other situations where the Company deems it necessary to suspend or terminate the service.
  2. When this Service needs to suspend or interrupt part or all of the service due to the migration, replacement, or maintenance of systems or equipment, it will be announced on the "Service" platform in advance.
  3. If the suspension or interruption of the service is caused by the user's violation of laws or these Service Terms, or due to reasons not attributable to this Service, the fees for the period will still be charged as usual.
  4. The suspension or interruption of this Service may cause inconvenience, data loss, or economic and time losses. To protect your rights, you should take appropriate preventive measures in advance.

Use of Internet Resources

  1. The internet is an open network environment, and its operation and maintenance are managed by different network service providers. Therefore, this Service cannot guarantee the correctness, completeness, security, reliability, and legality of the information resources users receive, nor can it guarantee the continuity and error-free nature of the service. Additionally, data transmission speed cannot be guaranteed. The Service is not responsible for any direct or indirect losses caused by data transmission or obtaining network data.
  2. All resources on the network belong to their data owners, and users should respect their copyrights, authorization agreements, and comply with relevant legal provisions when using these resources. Any unauthorized use behavior shall be borne by the user and is unrelated to this Service. Users should assume the responsibility of protecting intellectual property rights and complying with legal norms to avoid legal disputes or related compensation responsibilities.

Measures and Restrictions on Member Services

  1. You acknowledge and agree that this Service has the right to set and adjust related use measures and restrictions. If this Service deletes or fails to store any messages or content transmitted by members, this Service will not be liable for compensation. Therefore, it is recommended that you regularly back up important data to prevent data loss.
  2. Due to business operation considerations, this Service reserves the right to modify these measures and restrictions at any time. These changes may not be notified to members or announced in advance. You should regularly check the terms and conditions of this Service to understand any changes that may affect your use of the service.

Information or Advice

Information displayed on this Service may be partially or completely unavailable due to network system or hardware failures related to this Service, partners, and telecommunications operators, or may cause data transmission errors and may even be modified or forged by third parties. Therefore, users should exercise extreme caution when reading or using any information provided by this Service, including data, advice, analysis, reviews, and reports. This information does not represent the views or opinions of this Service, and this Service cannot guarantee its authenticity, completeness, and reliability. All information and links provided are for user reference only and should not be considered as professional advice or implications, nor can they replace individual analysis and advice from professional consultants. Users should make decisions based on their judgment and may consider seeking professional consultant opinions. Any decision made based on the information of this Service is at the user's own risk, and this Service is not responsible for any related liabilities.

Links to Third-Party Websites

  1. The InplayZ Platform may contain content, data, advertisements, products, and other documents from or linked to third-party websites (collectively referred to as "Third-Party Content"). When platform users use this Service, they understand and agree that the Company does not review or evaluate third-party content, including but not limited to its accuracy, completeness, timeliness, validity, legality, appropriateness, or quality, and does not provide guarantees or endorsements for any third-party content or its managers or affiliated companies, nor does it assume any responsibility.
  2. The InplayZ Platform provides third-party content only for the convenience of platform users. If platform users infringe or violate any other party's rights, causing damage, loss, or disputes, the Company will not bear any direct or indirect responsibility to platform users for such use.


The advertisements published on this Service, including text, images, animations, audio, videos, etc., are provided by advertisers or their agents. Out of respect for the rights of advertisers or agents, this Service does not review these advertisements. Users should independently evaluate the accuracy and reliability of the advertisements, and this Service does not provide any guarantees for the advertisement content.

Transactions of Goods or Services

This Service does not provide any transaction behavior between members. Therefore, if you extend any disputes from transactions with members through other methods, this Service is not responsible for any guarantees.

Content Provider

If the content of this Service is provided by our partners, including related companies, operators, or manufacturers, this Service, out of respect for intellectual property rights and other rights, will not conduct in-depth reviews of these contents. Therefore, users should carefully evaluate the accuracy and reliability of the content, and this Service does not provide any form of guarantee for these contents. If these contents are found to be untrue or erroneous, users should directly contact the content provider to report the issue. We encourage users to actively verify the credibility and accuracy of the information when using any information or services provided by third parties and promptly report issues to the provider. This helps protect your rights and promotes the improvement of content quality and accuracy by the content providers.

Disclaimer of Warranty

  1. The member services provided by this Service are based on the current planning and functions. We cannot guarantee that these services can fully meet all the special needs of specific users. At the same time, this Service does not guarantee that the provided services will be completely correct, complete, secure, reliable, suitable, timely, stable, uninterrupted, or error-free.
  2. You should back up the transmitted files and other data to avoid the risk of data loss during transmission. This Service is not liable for compensation for lost address books, files, and other data during the use of this Service.
  3. When you download files or other data from this Service, you should independently evaluate possible risks. If the downloaded content causes damage to the computer system or data loss, this Service is not liable for compensation. Therefore, it is recommended that users ensure appropriate protective measures and data backups before downloading or using any files.

Reservation or Disclosure of Member Content

  1. This Service reserves the right to review the content transmitted, published, or uploaded by members, including text, images, music, videos, software, and various data, to ensure that these contents do not violate public order and good customs or cause infringement. Members should independently evaluate and bear the risks when using content provided by other members.
  2. Regarding members' personal information, this Service promises not to disclose members' names, addresses, emails, and other legally protected personal information without explicit consent, except in the following situations:
    1. At the request of judicial or police agencies to investigate crimes.
    2. In compliance with legal provisions or at the request of judicial agencies or other authorized institutions following statutory procedures.
    3. When members' behavior violates laws or the terms of this Service.
    4. The basic information of members will be strictly confidential and will not be sold or arbitrarily provided to any third party. However, when participating in activities hosted or cooperated by this Service, for the needs of contact or activities, some personal information may be used. In these situations, we will ensure that the purpose of use is clear and limited to the necessary scope.

Purchase Guidelines and Usage of Paid Content

  1. The payment services used by the company are third-party services. When "InplayZ" platform members use these payment services to subscribe to or purchase items, it signifies that "InplayZ" platform members have reviewed and agreed to the relevant usage guidelines and regulations provided by these payment services (for detailed terms and regulations between third-party services, please refer to Article 8 of these Terms of Service). Therefore, the company does not assume any warranty liability for any performance, service quality, or payment issues related to the aforementioned third-party payment services.
  2. Usage Period of Paid Content: Refers to the period during which "InplayZ" platform members are entitled to use subscribed/purchased content based on their chosen subscription/purchase method and payment method. Subscribers to subscription plans selected on the "InplayZ" platform are granted only the right to access and view the content of the subscribed plan through the "InplayZ" platform. Unless otherwise stipulated in the subscribed plan, subscribers do not acquire ownership of the plan's content after subscribing. Therefore, once a subscriber cancels their subscription, they will no longer be able to access and view the content of their previously paid subscription plan.
  3. Credit Card: The company will regularly deduct payments from the credit card set by the subscriber. Except when the subscriber cancels the subscription on their own, the subscriber has the right to access and view the selected subscription plan on the "InplayZ" platform after successful credit card deduction for that period.
  4. Convenience Store Payment/Point Payment: Users can choose subscription plans with different durations and use them on the "InplayZ" platform within their selected duration. If subscribers do not renew, they will no longer be able to access and view the subscribed plan when the specified period expires.
  5. All online purchases made on this service website are subject to the right to accept orders.
  6. When user data (such as address or phone number) changes, users should immediately update their stored information online or notify the service website for correction. Users may not deny their ordering behavior or refuse payment based on incorrect data.
  7. For all online purchases made on this service website, users agree to use the transaction records on this service website as the standard. In case of disputes, the transaction records will be the basis for determination. If users find that the transaction records are incorrect, they should immediately notify the service website.
  8. After a user's order is placed, to ensure the transaction is authorized by the account holder, the third-party payment service may reserve the right to request a fax of the credit card's signature strip and a fax confirming the order from the cardholder.
  9. You understand that once you purchase any subscription plan, you confirm the results processed by this service. The company cannot perform actions such as refunds or transfers, and the rights and obligations of the subscription plan are subject to all relevant regulations of the company. In the event of unauthorized use of your account and password due to your negligence, the company will not be responsible. If you engage in any transactions or interactions with others through this service, any disputes arising from such transactions are not the responsibility of the company, and the company cannot perform actions such as refunds. However, this service can provide related transaction records for inquiry.
  10. For all online purchases made on this service website, if there is a consumption dispute, users agree to provide personal information to third-party payment providers for related inquiries and investigations.
  11. The invoices issued by the company are subject to the Uniform Invoice Usage Regulations. Once an invoice is issued, the buyer's name and tax identification number cannot be arbitrarily changed or modified upon the buyer's request.


You agree to indemnify the company and all related personnel for all damages and liabilities arising from your violation of applicable laws or these Terms of Service, including but not limited to litigation and attorney's fees.


Please use this service with caution and consider factors such as common-sense judgment, transaction security (including but not limited to the counterparty's ability to conduct transactions, identity authenticity, transactions with individuals below the legal age, and international trade) when using this service.

Intellectual Property Rights

The patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, proprietary technology, and other intellectual property rights of the software, programs, and content used or provided on "Service" (including, but not limited to, text, descriptions, graphics, images, files, page designs, website layouts, and arrangements) belong to "Service" or other rights holders. Without prior written consent from the rights holder, members may not reproduce, publicly communicate, broadcast, publicly display, modify, edit, rent, distribute, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or use in any other way. In case of a violation, apart from being legally responsible, if such violation causes damage or loss to "Service," "Service" may seek damages from the member responsible

Special Provisions

The "Service Terms" are general provisions regarding the services provided by "Service." If specific provisions apply to individual member services, those specific provisions take precedence.

Addition and Amendment of Service Terms

If there are additions or amendments to the "Service Terms," you agree to be bound by these revised terms from the time they are announced on "Service." "Service" will not individually notify members of these changes. If you continue to use "Service" after the announcement, it is considered that you have agreed to the amended terms.

InplayZ Platform Event Predictions and Related Activities

  1. Members agree to authorize "Service" to provide necessary member information to partners (third parties) for the purpose of providing services and awards, within the scope of the agreement. If a member does not agree to have their data included in the list of partner (third-party) products or services, they can inform "Service" to delete their data from the list while forfeiting any benefits or prize rights outside of "Service" shopping.
  2. Regarding personal data registered or stored by members, members agree that "Service" may collect, process, store, transmit, and use such data within a reasonable range to provide users with other information or services, create member statistics, conduct research on internet behavior, or for any other lawful use.
  3. If a member has no legal right to authorize others to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, modify, distribute, publish, or publicly post certain data and transfer such rights to a third party, please do not upload, transmit, input, or provide such data to "Service." Any data uploaded, transmitted, input, or provided to "Service" is considered as granting "Service" unconditional rights to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, modify, distribute, publish, or publicly post such data and transfer such rights to others, and you have no objections to this. You also guarantee that the use, modification, reproduction, public broadcast, modification, distribution, publication, public posting, and transfer of such data by "Service" will not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third party; otherwise, you shall be liable for damages to "Service" (including but not limited to litigation costs and attorney's fees).

Service System Recommendations and Restrictions

  1. Minimum supported operating systems for InplayZ Platform: Web: Windows, MacOS / Android: Minimum Android 8.0 (inclusive) and Chrome core 67 or higher / iOS: iOS 14 (inclusive) and above.
  2. Supported browsers for InplayZ Platform: Microsoft Edge 100 and above / Chrome 100 and above / Firefox 100 (Quantum) and above.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

  1. Regarding the interpretation or application of the "Service Terms," Taiwanese law is the governing law.
  2. Any disputes arising from members' use of "Service" and "Service" shall be resolved in accordance with this principle of good faith. If litigation is necessary, the TaiChang District Court in Taiwan shall have jurisdiction.

The announcement date of the Service Terms is October 29, 2023, and the effective date is October 31, 2023.